Pure Sleep - Nutripure 60 Vegetable Capsules

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26,90 €
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26,90 €
  • Mélatonine Naturelle : Régule le cycle veille-sommeil.
  • 5-HTP : Soutient la sérotonine et mélatonine.
  • Mélisse et Valériane : Apaisent le stress, favorisent la relaxation.
  • Ashwagandha : Normalise les neurotransmetteurs.
  • Extrait de Griottes : Réduit les réveils nocturnes.
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Pure Sleep - Nutripure 60 Vegetable Capsules

Pure Sleep - Nutripure 60 Vegetable Capsules

26,90 €

Pure Sleep - Nutripure 60 Vegetable Capsules

26,90 €
Product description

Food supplement based on plant extracts designed for sleep.

We know that stress, anxiety, jet lag and screens are the main causes of sleep disorders. These disorders take the form of difficulty falling asleep, insomnia or, to a lesser extent, restless sleep. This leads to chronic fatigue that causes difficulties in everyday life.

However, sleep is essential to live peacefully, stay healthy and recover from the day.

Pure Sleep is a solution for anyone who has trouble falling asleep or who works nights and needs a boost to get to sleep during the day.

In this complex, here is what you will find:

➻ From melatonin: up to 1.9mg.

At this dosage, two health claims are permitted. Melatonin helps to reduce the effects of jet lag and helps to reduce the time it takes to fall asleep.

➻➻ Hawthorn - Crataegus laevigate

"Pending" health claims are listed including one related to sleep: Used to help find a better sleep as well as interesting properties for a more peaceful/relaxed state: "Helps to reduce agitation" and "Helps to reduce irritability". A state of relaxation and/or appeasement is undeniable for good sleep.

This randomized double-blind trial carried out on a total of 60 patients suffering from hypertension and sleep disorders whose conclusion states that: The fruit extract of C. monogyna as a complementary drug has beneficial effects on blood pressure control and sleep quality in patients with hypertension and sleep disorders.

➻➻➻ Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis

"Pending" health claims are available for lemon balm, including aiding in calm, restful sleep as well as for promote relaxation by having a soothing/relaxing effect.

Several data are available to support these claims, including this randomised controlled trial, this pilot trial and this other randomized controlled trial. They all conclude with beneficial effects on sleep at dosages ranging from 600mg to 3g.

➻➻➻➻ Poppy - Papaver rhoeas

There are health claims related to sleep and the state of relaxation: Used to help find a better sleep; Used to decrease restlessness

Data is quite limited, however, in this paper it is said that poppy is an annual flowering herb used to treat cough and sleep disturbances.

Poppy was used in traditional Cretan medicine as a sleeping pill, as stated here.

➻➻➻➻➻ Valerian dry extract - Valeriana officinalis

Several claims related to sleep and relaxation are also available for valerian. Valerian is used to aid in the onset of sleep and has a calming effect.

A review as well as a meta-analysis concluded that valerian has beneficial effects on sleep.

➻➻➻➻➻➻ Rice extract - Oryza sativa

Sleep well is essential to stay healthy.

Today, 1 in 3 French people is affected by sleep disorders, according to Inserm.

Lifestyle, stress at work, mental workload at home, consumption of alcohol or tobacco but also the immediate environment (brightness, screens) are in question.

Lack of sleep or restless sleep causes irritability, mood swings, fatigue, inability to concentrate but also more serious disorders.

Indeed, in the long term, a lack of sleep can facilitate the development of more serious illnesses.


Hawthorn dry extract (Crataegus laevigata), capsule of plant origin (coating agent: pullulan ), Lemon balm dry extract (Melissa officinalis), Poppy dry extract (Papaver rhoeas), Valerian dry extract (Valeriana officinalis), Rice extract (Oryza sativa), Melatonin


Take 1-2 capsules with a glass of water 30 minutes before bedtime.

  • For jet lag, one capsule is enough.
  • For sleep disorders and insomnia, it is best to take two capsules.

The beneficial effect of melatonin is obtained by consuming 1mg before bedtime.
One capsule is equivalent to 0.95mg of melatonin.

Store in a cool place away from heat.


Dietary supplements should be used as part of a healthy lifestyle and not be used as a substitute for diet varied and balanced.

Not recommended for children, adolescents and pregnant and breastfeeding women.

In the event of drug treatment, contact a healthcare professional.

Do not exceed the recommended daily dose.

Keep out of the reach of young children.

Customer Reviews

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Nette amélioration

J'ai vu une nette amélioration sur la qualité de mon sommeil. Ayant toujours eu des problèmes, le sommeil est plus profond et je me réveille moins fatiguée


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