GLR (Glutathione) Setria®

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21.90 €
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21.90 €
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  • Available in stick or sublingual tablets
  • Glutathione Setria® fermented by a patented process
  • Yamamoto® Research technology for sublingual administration that allows rapid and optimal absorption
  • Addition of Vitamin C and Selenium ( for tablets)
  • antioxidant
The king of antioxidant tablets: glutathione. Accompanied by vitamin C and Selenium, also antioxidants. Voir plus
capacity: 30 Tabs
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GLR (Glutathione) Setria®

GLR (Glutathione) Setria®

21.90 €

GLR (Glutathione) Setria®

21.90 €
capacity: 30 Tabs

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What is it?

This food supplement contains glutathione labeled Setria® and comes in form of stick or sublingual tablets (which are placed under the tongue).
It was designed to help the body deal with oxidative stress. By combining reduced glutathione formulated by Kyowa® Hakko and ascorbic acid (vitamin C), two powerful natural antioxidants as well as selenium.
GLR® offers next-generation supplementation in the form of fast-dissolving sublingual tablets or sticks which allow glutathione to be rapidly absorbed in the mouth.

GLR® is made with the king of antioxidants: glutathione.

The sublingual tablet version contains vitamin C and selenium:

Vitamin C helps protect cells against oxidative stress selenium helps protect cells against oxidative stress Current European regulations prevent us from communicating on the benefits of glutathione. However, the antioxidant activity of the latter is well documented in the scientific literature (see reference 1; reference 2 and reference 3).

Glutathione offered by Setria® is produced by a patented fermentation process that ensures a pure and safe product with an assay value of 99-101%. In a 6-month randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial of 54 adult non-smokers: daily consumption of GSH supplements was shown to be effective in increasing blood GSH stores.

Yamamoto® Research GLR® has formulated a sublingual tablet that allows rapid dissolution so that the molecules are quickly absorbed by the bloodstream present at this level and flowing to the superior vena cava. This route of administration makes it possible to avoid intestinal enzymes (gamma-glutamyltransferase) or the hepatic filter (liver) which partly deactivate glutathione.

The interest of vitamin C, in addition to its antioxidant action, is that it can increase the assimilation of glutathione because it neutralizes the load of glutathione and the makes it absorbable at the intestinal level. Thus, even if a large part is already absorbed at the sublingual level, the rest, which will necessarily pass through the traditional route (digestive system), will see its assimilation optimized.

Finally, the selenium included in the formula of GLR® is a real added value! Indeed, the regeneration of glutathione depends on specific enzymes whose activity itself depends on certain ions provided by food. One of these ions is selenium.

A bit of science: What is oxidative stress?

Oxidative stress is defined as an attack on cells by free radicals, also known as "reactive oxygen species" or ROS, which cause cells to age prematurely. Although oxygen is an essential element for life on Earth, it can also be a poison. Indeed, oxygen is capable of giving rise to derivatives which can cause damage to our cells. It is these derivatives that are called EROs.

For example, the chain of reactions of our mitochondria (organelles that provide energy to cells) is imperfect and leads to the formation of ROS, of which the free radicals. Free radicals are chemical species that have a "single" electron, that is to say unpaired. This makes them unstable and very reactive towards surrounding molecules. To stabilize, the free radical will then "steal" an electron from the neighboring molecule which will in turn become a free radical. It is therefore a phenomenon that is propagated by chain reactions.

The effects of free radicals on the body are numerous:

Firstly, certain molecules, which are more fragile than others, are more easily "attacked" by free radicals. free radicals. This is the case of polyunsaturated fatty acids (AGP). However, cell membranes are mainly made up of phospholipids (which are AGPs) which give them their fluidity. Free radicals can therefore attack the integrity of these phospholipids and stiffen cell membranes, which limits cell exchanges and accelerates cell aging.

As a result of the alteration of the membranes, the cell nucleus is exposed to free radicals. However, it is in the nucleus that we find all the genetic information of the cell. Alteration of this nucleus by free radicals can lead to profound alteration of the genetic code and mutations within the DNA. This can lead either to cell death, or to slow cell renewal and premature aging of organs, or even to the multiplication of abnormal cells leading to the potential formation of tumours.

Another example of potential targets of free radicals: proteins. Indeed, ROS denature and inactivate proteins by oxidation of amino acids, fragmentation of polypeptides, etc. The collagen in the skin is a perfect example. Indeed, collagen fibers are continuously exposed to free radicals from the environment. This alteration leads to the formation of wrinkles on the skin. Still on the skin, age spots are the consequences of the action of free radicals on the cells, which then secrete excessive pigments that turn the skin brown when exposed to the sun.

How does the body react?

The body is able to set up an antioxidant defense system. This system has the role of limiting the concentration of free radicals in our cells by 4 different processes: inhibition of the formation of ROS, their enzymatic metabolism, their neutralization (primary antioxidants capable of blocking free radicals by transfer of a hydrogen molecule) or by repairing the damage caused. This system activates antioxidant molecules of endogenous origin (synthesized directly by the body) and of exogenous origin (provided by food).

In fact, oxidative stress occurs when there is a breakdown in the balance between the quantity of ROS and the antioxidant defense system: either because the defense system is failing either by the number of ERO is too large.

Glutathione, the king of antioxidants!

Glutathione is a small molecule synthesized by the body from 3 amino acids: glycine, cysteine ​​and glutamate. It is considered the "master antioxidant" because it is the most powerful and generalist (broad-spectrum) of the antioxidants made by the body.

Glutathione exists in two forms: a reduced form (GSH) and an oxidized form (GSSG). Only reduced glutathione (GSH) is biologically active in the body.

It is the body's first line of defense against the oxidative stress to which our body is continually exposed (toxins, drugs, heavy metals, pesticides and others). Indeed, glutathione has the ability to bind to toxins such as heavy metals and transform them into compounds capable of being eliminated by secretions (bile, urine. ). Another interest of glutathione, it is an immunostimulant that is to say that it is able to increase the immune response during infections or other ailments such as eczema or allergies . It is also capable of "recycling" other antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, alpha-lipoic and coenzyme Q10.

Unfortunately, its concentration declines with age as well as in situations of oxidative stress (exposure to tobacco, pollution, unbalanced diet, intensive physical activity, etc.) . The body's need for glutathione can then sometimes be exceeded by its ability to produce it. Supplementation is then a very good solution to maintain optimal antioxidant levels and avoid entering the vicious circle of oxidative stress.

Nutrition information

Ingredients: sweeteners: mannitol, sucralose; Reduced L-Glutathione (Setria®), L-ascorbic acid (vitamin C), anti-caking agents: silicon dioxide, magnesium salts of fatty acids; L-selenomethionine, mint essential oil.

Per daily dose: 1 tablet to be dissolved between the tongue and the palate. Some studies in humans have shown that the absorption of glutathione is greatly increased when stored in the mouth between the palate and the tongue, so oral intake of glutathione (1-3 times daily) may reduce serum and cellular concentrations to normal levels within hours

Stick version does not contain vitamin C or selenium

Warnings: Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. An overdose of antioxidants can make them oxidizing and lead to the opposite effect to that expected.
Supplements are not meant to replace a varied diet. A varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle are important.
Keep out of reach of children under three years old.
Store in a cool, dry place at room temperature.
Avoid exposure to heat and sunlight.
Do not disperse in the environment after use.


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Jocelyne Josse

C est un produit que je recommande, quand on a le syndrome du colon irritable.



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